About Us
November 2016 Lisa went for her annual mammogram with the thoughts that we all have, early detection is the key! Little did she know that shortly there after she would be in the fight for her life. Weeks past, her mammogram results came back negative but her breast felt different. She thought that it may have been a botched mammogram and that the knot and swelling would disappear, it did not. She then scheduled another mammogram, this time 3D. She explained to the doctors how this knot and swelling of her breast appeared. Patiently waiting on her results from the latest and greatest technology, her results came back negative once again. However, at this time Lisa knew her body and refused to listen to what the doctors did not know. From an ultrasound, to a CT scan, to MRI and finally a biopsy, Lisa was diagnosed with Stage 3 inflammatory-breast cancer; a rare rapidly developing cancer that causes the breast to swell and become tender. This was February 11, exactly 12 years and 1 day after her sister Alfreda had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Knowing that she had a sister who fought this this horrific disease, this gave Lisa the strength to persevere. Moments after being diagnosed, spoke these words to her doctor, “Treat me as if I was your wife.”
We all want the best care possible and knowing that this doctor would treat her as his wife, gave her the confidence that she needed in him at the time. Needless to say, her treatments were transferred to Duke Cancer Center Institute where she had the best team of doctors and nurses who treated her and her family with exceptional care. With a HER2+ cancer, the doctors began her treatment with 6 rounds of aggressive chemotherapy to attack the angry cancer cells. During her first treatment, we saw a positive reaction to the therapy. Her breast began to shrink and her face lit up with the resilient smile that she carried. This turned her battle cancer into the fight of I CAN! I can defeat, I can live, I can thrive and I will survive! This positivism is just what she needed to endure her journey. She was treated every 3 weeks. During the time of her treatments, Lisa would return to work and continued to serve her community. In the process she loss her hair and her two breast. This was not a downfall for Lisa as many people would think, this was THE BEAUTY IN HER BATTLE! She knew that once she overcame each hurdle she was that much closer to being a new person. On July 25, 2016, following her double mastectomy, she was declared cancer free! Her journey was still not complete, she still had to endure 42 rounds of radiation and she endured like a CHAMP!
In the midst of her journey, her faith never wavered. Many times in the midnight hour God spoke to her and gave her strength. Her utmost strength came from 1 Thessalonians 5:18; in everything give thanks! It took her a while to understand why God chose to give her this particular word. However, with her trust in God and the fight in her, this became to motto of her journey. She would often times say, this battle is not for me, this battle is so that someone else can see the work of God.
After being declared cancer-free she made it her mission to share her story. She would then speak at community events, but more importantly she would share her story and encourage others going through what she had already conquered. It bought much joy to Lisa to sit with cancer patients during their chemo, talk with them on the phone and even send them messages of inspiration through scripture and her paintings (her newly acquired hobby, during her journey).
In August of 2017, Lisa shared her testimony at her family reunion. It touched so many people. All honor and glory was given to our most high, God. Weeks later, Lisa visited the doctor because she was experiencing signs of what she thought was vertigo. At Duke Women’s Cancer Center, they hope and pray for the best but plan for the worst. The 21st day of August, Lisa went in for and MRI. The results later revealed that she had metastatic breast cancer. Metastatic breast cancer is cancer that has spread to the brain, which showed approximately 8 lesions. Again, Lisa was in the fight for her life. Knowing that people live each day with metastatic cancer from the breast each day; she kept her positive outlook and faith in God. Lisa then endured 10 rounds of stereo-tactic radiation surgery. She made it through like the CHAMP that she was!
She would then have to return every three months for a follow up to make sure nothing progressed. Her first follow up in December of 2017 was a positive/negative. The stereotactic radiosurgery was successful in shrinking her lesions but the angry cancer continued to make her tired, lose balance and stay fatigued. At this point Lisa’s body was under the attack of Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis. Another very rare form of cancer, that approximately only occur in 5% of cancer patients. This meant more radiation to her brain and a new pair of boxing gloves because she was ready for round 3. Despite the odds of this terminal cancer, Lisa remained positive.
She continued to fight with an unknown prognosis of 4-6 weeks to live. After 6 long months On June 25 of this year Lisa, transitioned in peace to the Home of her Heavenly Father. It is our belief that she was cancer free once again before she left us as she glowed the last few days in the hospital. Lisa gained her wings and a new pair of boxing gloves.
Bosom Buddies Foundation is established in her honor and the reflect The Beauty in the Battle!
Her Journey

"The Beauty In The Battle"
Our Mission
Bosom Buddies Foundation's mission is to provide support, advocate, and share resources with patients and immediate family members affected by all types of cancer to ensure a better quality of life while living with the disease.

Our Founders
Keishia (daughter of Lisa) and Teresa (twin sister of Lisa) desired to continue the legacy of Lisa. In that effort, they organized Bosom Buddies Foundation. Keishia, Teresa and other members of the family were touched by the outpour of support from family and friends during Lisa's health decline. Also, during Lisa's journey, she loved to encourage others and share her experience. In the essence of carrying Lisa's legacy and understanding the impact of helping others Bosom Buddies Foundation's mission can accomplished.